Customizing Windows Vista & Windows 7 OEM Information Manually

We all know how to add an OEM information in System Properties under Windows XP. There are OEMLogo.bmp (96x96) for OEMLOGO and OEMInfo.ini for OEM information used to add both files under X:\Windows\System32\

But In Windows Vista and Windows 7, has been changed the method to add OEM information in System Properties. All things are added through Windows registry instead of using the OEMinfo.ini file.

Here is the example:

As you can see, you can add a little bit more information like Manufacturer, Model, OEM logo and a few others.

Just simply create below registry entry. Edit the information (marked in RED) according to your system specifications.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"Manufacturer"="BIOSTAR Group"
"Model"="P4M900-M7 FE"
"SupportPhone"="Tel: 886-2-2218-0150 / Fax: 886-2-2218-1552"
"SupportHours"="9 AM to 9 PM (Mon-Sat)"
Or you can also create a registry file using Notepad, save it as anything .reg and merge it into Windows Registry.

And then, for the OEM logo, choose any logo that you like in BMP format with the maximum size is 120x120 pixels and 24-bit of color depth. Copy and paste the logo into X:\Windows\System32\ (X is where you installed Vista/7, normally is in drive C).

After that, refresh Windows Explorer (right click -> Refresh, in open space at Desktop), open System Information to see the result .. that's it.


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